Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Daily Posts of Parties

I'm kind of taking a poll here... see, I, being the admin of the calendar get to set it to email me the daily agenda every morning at 6am! But, I can not add people for it to do that also.. but, what I can do is what would everyone think if before I went to bed at night I did a daily post of what's coming up party wise for the next day? If there are no parties there are no posts. That way if you were interested in a tag, you could view the calendar for more details? This would allow those that are subscribed via a reader or email to see a daily agenda every morning through your reader or email without having to hop on the calendar page every day to check. What does everyone thing? You can post a comment here, tweet me @UnKatchable73 or email if you wish kathyscalmtochaoslife (at)  I'd really like to get my subscription stats up (then I could get into more neat stuff to review and giveaway to all of you) and this would also create me having to do a daily post (which could also influence more cool reviews and giveaways) ....  Look forward to hearing everyone's feedback!


  1. What ever is in your best interest is fine with me. As long as I have access to all the necessary info for parties ahead of time so I have time to plan my schedule of my days/week around them and rsvp and retweet daily in instances where asked to for extra entries I'm thrilled.

    But in the end after all, you dont have to do the calendar for us at all, and I am honestly and truly grateful for however you do it. Thank you

  2. I agree with Yvonne. What is best for you is fine with me. I love the calendar and thank you so much for doing it!


  3. I find it easy to check the calendar and don't know what I would do without it!

  4. It doesn't matter Kathy, I'm just happy to have a calendar to check out...even though I'm not doing much good at the parties. But really, whatever is easiest for you. Thanks :)


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