Thursday, March 8, 2012

UPS My Choice - The Alert That Makes Me Smile

As a sweepstakes person there is nothing that makes me smile more than having a surprise win show up at my door. The excitement of "ohhh what is this?" Those of you who are sweepers can testify to this... with that being said, UPS went above and beyond to create a sophisticated delivery system which includes letting everyone (including us sweepers) know when a package is coming.

I love that technology has impacted our every day lives to some extent and now UPS had hopped on that wagon too. UPS My Choice is a notification system that will send you alerts when a package has shipped to you, in route to you, and even has already delivered to you. Once you create an account you can set your preferences for the types of alerts you'd like to receive, email, text, or no alerts at all. Me personal, I have text alerts set to be notified the day before a package arrives so I can watch for it. Majority of the time I know what it is that is coming, but there have been those select few times that it was the pure excitement of it being some surprise win about to be delivered! Yes, it did make one go a bit crazy trying to figure out what it could be.. but that is the fun with sweeping, you never know what may show up or when. Well at least now with UPS My Choice you'll have an alert and can look forward to your coming delivery. If you haven't already signed up for UPS My Choice head on over here and create yourself an account! Don't miss future package deliveries or those surprise sweepstakes wins!!

Disclosure:This post contains sponsored information and content. All opinions expressed here are of my own

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