Friday, September 9, 2011

Time To Play New Rules

As a lot of us know, Time To Play has a twitter #live contest on Wednesdays and also a TV show on Fridays. The #timetoplaylive is at 1pm on Wednesday and the object is to be the first answer to the questions they tweet out. There are normally nine prizes and then a grand prize. On the Friday TV show they show you new toys and also do giveaways. Giveaways are sometimes random and also first answer. Well there has been some complaining and controversy(as there always is it seems) so TTP has since changed their rules for winning... Here are the new rules

Time To Play TV - new rules


  • Standard Prizes
    • An address/household may win one standard prize from Time to Play TV per calendar month.
      • If an address/household wins a standard prize any time during the month of September, the next time the address/household is eligible to win a Time to Play TV standard prize is the first week of October.
  • All-play Prizes
    • Each show will have one All-play Round, during which anyone may win, regardless of any other wins in the current month.
  • Grand Prizes
    • An address/household may win one grand prize from Time to Play TV per calendar month, and never back-to-back grand prizes.
      • If an address/household wins a grand prize during the first three weeks of September, the next time the address/household is eligible to win a Time to Play TV grand prize is the first week of October.
      • If an address/household wins a grand prize during the last week of September, the next time the address/household is eligible to win a Time to Play TV grand prize is the second week of October
#TimeToPlayLIVE new Rules 


  • An address/household may only win a prize from #TimeToPlayLive ONCE per calendar month. If an address/household wins any time during the month of September, the next time the address/household is eligible to win a #TimeToPlayLive prize is the first week of October.

I personally like the new rules. It eliminates the same person winning week in and week out (which I've seen happen many times) it also gives everyone else who has a slower internet connection and knows the right answer a chance to get in there and finally win. I wish more giveaway hosts would follow these rules it definitely makes the playing field more level and even more fair. Hats off to TTP for changing their rules to allow everyone a chance to win!!


  1. that's great to hear! Now maybe i'll give it another try!

  2. Yaheee..hat's off to them! I have not attended one in a while, but LOVE the new rules!!

  3. I thought that had been the rule before, but it never seemed to be enforced. I will keep trying on it, but am never fast enough. Maybe I need to read up more on toys.


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