April 22 is Earth Day! Tomorrow we celebrate this great planet we live on and also bring awareness to ways we can take care of it. One way is conservation, whether it be water, fuel, or energy there are more and more ways you can conserve with companies who are introducing products that are aid us in the need to go green! One such company is Pfister. Pfister makes beautiful elegant faucets for your kitchen and bath. Their faucets aren't just a pretty piece for a room but are also WaterSense Certified, Cal Green Certified, and NSF Lead Free Certified. I LOVE that on this Earth Day 2013 that many households around the world will be conserving water by having one of Pfister's faucets in their household. On Average consumers can save up to $200 a year on their water bill and up to 30% less consumption of water by these ever so efficiently used faucets.