Trapped for 196 years by an evil witch ex lover (played by Eva Green) Barnabus Collins (played by Johnny Depp) is now released into a 1970's world and begins his mission to save the family business! But saving the family business does not come without some struggles. The creative mind of Tim Burton brings Barnabus Collins' story to film in Dark Shadows. On October 2nd Warner Brothers released Dark Shadows DVD and Blu-Ray. Along with the release of the movie also comes the release of the Dark Shadows app!
The Dark Shadows app is an interactive app in which you can get your Horror-Scope, scroll through memes, play Barnabus' Terrorific Trivia, and take the Are You CREEPY Enough? Quiz! Share the app with your Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Tumblr followers so they too can be entertained!
In celebration of the Blu-Ray release and app release Kathy's Calm To Chaos Life is giving their followers the chance to win a Dark Shadows Blu-Ray Combo Pack!
GIVEAWAY - One Kathy's Calm To Chaos Life follower will win their very own Dark Shadows Blu- Ray Combo Pack. Giveaway will run until 10/15/12 at 12:01AM est! I have made entries easy, simply interact with the app, share on Facebook, Pin to Pinterest, or even tweet! Do all the entries or pick the ones you'd like. Interact with the Dark Shadows app and then enter to WIN!
Disclosure: I am working with Warner Bros in conjunction with this giveaway. Warner Bros provided me with the app code. All opinions are 100% my own.