When I was first introduced to CampusBookRentals.com I sat here for quite a few minutes going hmmmm where was this service when I was in college? I used to spend big bucks on college textbooks and after the semester was over at least half of them were not eligible for any buy back program because a new version was coming out! I can tell you I have a huge two foot long by 2 foot high box just packed full of my old college textbooks! Yes, I even carted those books from the old house to the new house last year. Sentimental value or maybe I felt a need to stay attached to them seeing I paid a good buck to get them. All to further my education, but also at the expense of my wallet.
What if I said this wallet saving service meant renting your textbooks? Rent them, yes I did say rent! Well why not? You can rent everything from a dress to jewelry to a car and a home, why not textbooks too?
CampusBookRentals.com is a service that allows you to rent textbooks for a fraction of the cost compared to buying your books at the college bookstore or online retailer. To give an example of the savings they offer college students on rental vs buy I did a little investigating. I'm considering going back to college to finish my Masters Degree and/or Certification in Computer Forensics. The one book that is required for the one class in the Computer Forensics curriculum is Digital Evidence and Computer Crime: Forensic Science, Computers & the Internet Third Edition which is currently available to purchase for $70 or I could easily just rent the same book/edition from CampusBookRentals at the cost of $19.36. This is a 72% savings! Check out
here and see the savings difference!
With CampusBookRentals.com they make it easy to search for the books you need with their user friendly easy online ordering system. Simply Search, Order, Receive, Use, and Return the books when you are finished. Wallah! I bet you are saying it can't really be that easy, can it? Sure it can, just watch the video below and see for yourself how easy it is to rent college textbooks. They give you multiple options on how fast you want your books shipped (standard shipping is FREE both ways) and more options for return dates (days, weeks, full semester, or select your own return date)
When you rent your textbooks from CampusBookRentals.com you aren't only saving money, but you are also supporting Operation Smile. Operation Smile is an organization that provides life changing cleft lip surgeries to underpriviledged children in need. CampusBookRentals.com has pledged to donate part of the proceeds from every textbook rental to Operation Smile in order to cover the cost of 1,000 surgeries. To learn more about the good Operation Smile does and how you can help check out their website
Don't let going to college break the bank! It's expensive enough to begin with. Rent your books from CampusBookRentals and support a great organization at the same time.
FTC Disclosure: I was compensated for this post. All opinions expressed are 100% my own