Thursday, October 13, 2011

Please Vote For Zero's Video

Hello Followers! I have entered Zero into a funniest pet video contest on I need everyone to please go and give her two videos a 5 star rating. The grand prize is a $1000 and that could sure buy a lot of dog food. Zero is on Wellness Dog Food and it's like $54 a 20lb bag, I am also still currently laid off but don't want to sacrifice feeding her a lesser quality food.. so the grand could really help.

Please go to and create an account (it's free) and then to

Then once you are logged in click 5 stars and submit votes! I've seen some cute videos but Zero in the tub is just one of the better one (Not to toot my own horn)

All votes are much appreciated by myself and well by Zero as well!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 10/12

Zero's Sleep Number is 40 also!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday Funny - 10/7

Doesn't this just fit the theme of my most embarrassing post??

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Indeed I Was First To Answer

It appears there was some controversy over my last Time To Play win on Wednesday. Of course the Wednesday twitter parties are always first answer.. and on first answers I always split my screens. Their parties are mostly search for an answer, but this past one was pick a prize. Within the list of pick a prizes was also the answers to all ten questions. So I split my screen half with Tweetdeck and the other half with Time To Play's website that listed the prizes, so I could just simply copy and then past into TweetDeck. If you want to win on first answer.. the last program to use is Tweetgrid. It lags and loads answer tweets before questions or skips tweets all together.. hence that seemed to be the issue. People on Tweetgrid seeing my answer before TTP's question even showed loaded... Hello this is a known issue why would you keep on using it if you know it's not loading tweets right away?? Good old fashion twitter or TweetDeck work wonders for first answer parties..  As proof that YES I answered AFTER the question was tweeted here is my justification to those people bitching, moaning, complaining... and by the way go get a life.. you can't win in every party. (Why is it a certain select group of people are always bitching when I win something? Jealousy is a bitch and karma will nip you in the butt three-fold..)

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