Friday, September 2, 2011

Caring for Zero

I have been up half the night with a sick dog. I think I've slept all of 1 1/2 hours before being woken up by Zero. She has that nasty hookah of a cough again.  She previously had caught kennel cough from some place (I think the ragg-a-muffin mut at dog school) and had to be rushed to the vet in the early AM on a Saturday morning in January or February, just to be loaded up with meds for a few weeks. Well it's that nasty cough that seems to be back on a smaller level. As I type this I am waiting for the Vet to get into their office at 8 AM. Not only does she have this cough but once she finally gets comfy enough to lay down and fall asleep she starts shaking like she is going into a seizure. This is not a fun night and not exactly how I expected my Friday morning to go, but it is what it is. I would stay up for days straight if it meant having to stay near my animals while they are sick. Matter of fact I don't think I slept a single night from the day Charity got hurt until six weeks after I had put her to sleep.

The look on poor Zero's face is just breaking my heart right now. She is laying behind me and every time I turn around to look at her I get that sad "help me Momma" face looking at me. She is so tired she is laying with her head stretched out into the air and you can see her eyes fighting to close. Then finally she lays her head down and falls asleep just to be followed by the shaking. It is such a struggle for her to get comfy right now and how this kills me to watch her like this.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Being a Responsible Dog Owner

Well I am experiencing first hand what it is like to live in an apartment complex and within this complex dogs are allowed. Most people clean up after their dogs, but there are those select few that refuse to clean up after their dogs.  This problem is making a problem bigger. My neighbors two apartments down are ground level and can not even open their windows because of the smell of dog dodo. The office is well aware of who the culprits that do not pick up the poo are and have sent letters out to them telling them if they are asked one more time to clean up after their dogs they will then be asked to get rid of their dogs or to move. This just makes me sick to my stomach that people do this. Not only is it disgusting, but it's unhealthy. Who wants to smell dog poop all the time or even step in it. Yes, we've had the unfortunate experience of stepping in someone's dog poop because they didn't pick it up. So this whole little experience is the inspiration behind this post. Owning a dog gives you responsibilities, not just to feed the dog, make sure it's healthy, help it when it's hurt, but also cleaning up after it. Why do people NOT feel the need to clean up after their dog(s)? Why do people believe they are exempt from the pooper scooper law in NY? Yes again there is a law in NY for picking up your poop. If you are caught by an officer of the law not picking up your dog's doodoo, guess what you get a nice ticket with a nice hefty fat fine attached to it.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Salon Grafix Curl Boosting Spray - REVIEW

As some of you may know I am bonkers over my hair. I have very long strawberry blonde naturally curly hair. Where the curly comes from, well no one seems to know other than speculate it rode down the Italian gene in the family and I got it. There is wavy hair in my family, but not out right curly like mine. I take pride and do get a little bit of an ego boost when people tell me how beautiful my hair is. I try my hardest to make it look good and my biggest problem is getting the curls to keep their curls all day or all night if I am out on town  for a night.  It always seems within a few hours the ends start to frizz out as do some of the back of it. It's not that the curls relax it is just that they start to frizz and as we all know frizzy curls do not look pretty, they look like you shoved your finger into a 220 line on purpose!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Funny - 8/26/11

I've decided that I am going to start a segment called Friday Funnies or yet another version of #FF. Each Friday from now until whenever I decide to stop I will post a funny picture, video, or story to share with my readers. Please enjoy! This will give me the opportunity to show off my humorous side (I am normally the one laughing at myself half the time to the point of almost literally peeing my pants)

Friday August 26, 2011 Friday Funny
This one is to all you whiners out there... 

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