Saturday, October 15, 2011

Rebellious or Doing The Right Thing

Am I doing the right thing or being rebellious is my question. I normally take Zero to agility training on Saturday morning at the dog club we belong to (No name mentioned) This isn't the only dog club in the area, but another club has classes on Tues, Wed, Thurs night also... but back to the one we belong to. The classes on Saturdays are stacked... 9am beginners, 10am advanced beginners, 11am intermediate, 12pm pre-show, 1pm those that do show. Zero started agility way back in April 2010. My Mom actually started taking her because she was getting bored in the obedience and rally classes and with agility she could run around have fun play jump and all that stuff. Well 4 weeks into her training we had a handler switch to me. My Mom was having shoulder surgery so it was my dog and now my duty to take her to classes. At the end of the session dogs were moved up to the next class as they progressed. However, Zero was not. I understood it this time because we did a change of handler half way in so I was more comfortable staying back in the beginner class.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Funny - True Story - 10/14/11

For my Friday Funny I've decided to tell a story. A story that really did happen. Back in 2006 we had a surprise snow storm, it did a lot of damage to the trees and such, but the day before I had just put out all of my Halloween decorations. As it would go the day after the storm a group of kids stole said Halloween decorations and threw a few of them in the pond that was in the park I had lived three houses away from. We had gotten some of the things out of the pond but there was a blow-mold plastic pumpkin that my Mom had for many many years and even with my rubber boots on in the pond I still could not reach it. So here I thought who has a big pole with a hook I could call. Well my swift brainstorming paid off because I thought ohhh the fire department has one of those. You know those big long poles with the hooks on them.  Yep, you guessed it I called down to the fire department down the street and asked them if I could borrow a fireman and that big long stick and explained the situation of kids stole the decorations and I couldn't reach the pumpkin still in the water. The guy on the phone was polite enough and said no problem Mam I'll send down one of my guys and a pole right now. WHEW... I could finally get the last remaining decoration that was stolen out of the water (well out of the ones we did find)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Please Vote For Zero's Video

Hello Followers! I have entered Zero into a funniest pet video contest on I need everyone to please go and give her two videos a 5 star rating. The grand prize is a $1000 and that could sure buy a lot of dog food. Zero is on Wellness Dog Food and it's like $54 a 20lb bag, I am also still currently laid off but don't want to sacrifice feeding her a lesser quality food.. so the grand could really help.

Please go to and create an account (it's free) and then to

Then once you are logged in click 5 stars and submit votes! I've seen some cute videos but Zero in the tub is just one of the better one (Not to toot my own horn)

All votes are much appreciated by myself and well by Zero as well!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 10/12

Zero's Sleep Number is 40 also!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday Funny - 10/7

Doesn't this just fit the theme of my most embarrassing post??

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