If you have a few minutes to share your feedback on the ingredients used in personal care products (think lotions, body washes, shampoos, etc.) for babies and kids, please check out this survey from my friends at The Motherhood: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/R3QHRFF
They want to know if you trust the ingredients in traditional baby/child care products, whether you're reading product labels for personal care products the way you might read food labels, and other important and interesting topics.
There’s an option to submit your email address at the end of the survey – anyone who completes the survey and provides an email address will be entered to win one of 10 VISA gift cards worth $25. (The email address is just a way to notify the gift card winners and won’t be shared.)
Thanks in advance for your help! If you’d like, you are welcome to share the survey with other moms and dads, too!!!