Winner #1
Winner #2
Winner #3
Winner #4
Kathy's Calm To Chaos Life just celebrated our ONE year Birthday! YES hard to believe we are one year old already! Wow how time flies. As a special treat I am offering up a Birthday Bash Ring Giveaway! There are no flaming special hoops to jump through to enter the giveaway all you need to do is simply enter through the rafflecopter widget.(easy peasy right?)
Now for the BONUS! Once entries go over 100 I will add another ring to the giveaway! You read that right... a SECOND ring! That in turn will create two winners. If entries hit 300 I will throw in a third ring with three winners! First winner picked will get their choice, Second winner their choice, third winner the last ring! Encourage all your friends and family to enter the giveaway. The more entries the more rings will be given away! The Rings that are given away will be at my discretion and all of which are costume jewelry, but are beautiful pieces none the less.
Up for grabs is Ring One - it is a size 8, has crystals in the band, a yellow stone, and is gold plated. This is a beautiful costume jewelry ring.
We've reached 100 entries! Here is the second ring I am throwing into the giveaway it too is a Size 8 silver tone band with princess cut crystal and crystals down the one side! Hope you like this one
We are now over 300 entries and without further delay here is the third ring! It's a size 7 Silver Band with marquis yellow crystal and gold tone around it. Very pretty!
We went over 500 entries and as promised here is the 4th ring! I believe it to be a size 6.5-7. Silver Tone Band with large green stone and gold around the stone along with green stones down one side!
Giveaway will run from 6/15/12 until 7/2/12 (My Real Life Birthday)
Good Luck Everyone! Help make our Birthday one to remember!
a Rafflecopter giveaway