Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Picking The Perfect Christmas Card with Tiny Prints

With October 1st literally just a few days away the smell of fall is in the air. Fall smells make me start to think about the upcoming holiday season. I like to be prepared for the holidays. I have also been the one to think a head of time about what this year's Christmas Card will be. Thanks to Tiny Prints I can already start getting some inspiration for Christmas cards with their Holiday Card line, which I might add is already up on their site and can be seen holiday cards! How exciting of a task to go through the pages of different cards trying to decide which style will be this year's card. So far I have spent well over an hour going through different styles, layouts, and colors and still am very much undecided on which one to choose. However, I have narrowed down my choice to just a few and those few choices I am going to share with my readers today.

Coupon Frenzy 9/27

I'm starting yet again another new segment. This one is going to be called "Coupon Frenzy". I am going to post a list of coupons and your job is to post a comment in the comment section of which ones you would like. The first person to post which ones they want gets those specified coupons.. and so on and so on until they are all gone OR until midnight on Thursday (which ever comes first), those will then go back into the batch for next week's "Frenzy" and the ones close to EXPIRING will be sent to the military families groups. You can take none, one, or them all. There is NO mininum or maximum on the amount of coupons you can get. Instead of bunching coupons together into a giveaway, I'm giving you your choice! They are FREE.. I will pay for the stamp to mail them to you, all I ask is that you spread the word about my blog so I can gain more followers! and tweet about the "Coupon Frenzy" too ...You're Welcome and get to commenting

My Most Embarrassing Moments

While reading a fellow bloggers blog - Susan who's blog is We Share With You - I discovered she wrote a post about her most embarrassing moment. So I had to chuckle and say to myself... "oh man if I did this they'd all be rolling laughing for days" . Well guess what.. I guess you could say my Friday Funny is coming to you on Tuesday because here are my most embarrassing moments ever, that literally have me sitting here laughing so hard to myself going "oh boy am I really going to post these". Those top 3 moments that made me want to crawl under a rock, go hide in a closet, and not walk away but run as fast as I could!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Funny - 9/23 DOUBLE DOSE

I couldn't help myself.. I just LOVE the Bud Light commercials.. and because it is the first day of Fall and I'm feeling the fall mood here is a Double Dose of #FF - enjoy

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